Thursday and Friday - best days of the year, weather wise, or so it

felt! Hardly October as K2 made her way out glorious sunshine and blue skies!! Just one of those days that made you glad to be out on the water. And to add to it all, and back into the countryside again, there moored up was
Nb Ten Bob Note. I've been following Ernie's blog

even before I got K2, very envious of the wandering waterway life-style, so it was great to stop for a minute and say hi, and meet boat to boat.
As usual had no mobile network, but a great pub that Ivor and I ate well in, and was relatively empty, as we had a choice of moorings, before being joined by Tom and Jay on Friday.
All the way I held K2's tiller only for the locks -

felt very strange having so many people desperate to steer... and greet all the other passing boats!
It was a great 2 days - passing too quickly, and now heading into a busy weekend....