A weekend is a long time! As promised I went to see Andrew Hooke. That was a long haul by car, felt like I was driving all day, but it was worth it. Andrews POW camp shed in darkest Nottingham is where a shell gets transformed into a home. 2 Hours of taking my designs apart, and he is now doing a preliminary drawing, to price the transformation. I eagerly await that, as I need to get a handle on the overall project costs now!
Well downs! Apart from my desire in a few years to slow down a bit and take off some of the business stress that burns us all from time to time, K2 would allow me to move onto the water at the Thames and Kennet Marina, only a couple of miles from Claires' home. Claire is standing as a councillor for Caversham next year, and that would tie her into the area for 5 years or so. We had a plan to cruise off together once that period was up, probably in 7 years time or so. I would be well on my way by then, but our ultimate plan allowed us both to have something to look forward to in the future. K2 was a platform that would allow me to work and support her campaigns,

whilst still allowing time out on the water, it seemed such a simple plan, and so obvious. Claires decision is that she will stay land locked!! At the moment the intraspection time continues! Along the way, the boat continues to get planned.
Meanwhile - here is a picture of Tally, my labrador! she comes along with all the plans, and is very loyal - if only because I feed her!