Tuesday 18 September 2007

Warning - Hard Work Ahead...

Sometimes frustration sets in. Just as the canals snuggle down into sleepy and dreamy mode -
I now vanish into 3 weeks of stressful work, while we complete the business merger. Between now and the 8th October (go live day) we bring all the business data sets, business processes, customer facing technology and overall infrastructure onto one platform, allowing October to be managed and closed on one business solution. That will involve 2 weekends and three weeks working on the trot, long evenings and some pressure. It's now I wish, I could just drift off into that orange sky and find a pleasant mooring for a while...
I guess boat plans go on hold for the moment! Shame - Phil Trotter wants me to go to see him again, to work through the fitout, and talk over the realities of a Kelvin in the engine room. Apparantly it's not all romantic notion - there's some hard work as well!
As a treat, I have planned to go to Saul again on the 13th October - and think I will stay in the Cotswolds somewhere for the 12th-14th, just to have a mini-break, money saving for October will go on hold. Sometimes you just need to stop and relax.
Autumn is here - remember the summer? No I don't either!!

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