Wednesday 5 September 2007

Another Blow

Well! this is a blog of downs!! Who could have thought that the collapse of the North American SubPrime market could influence a Narrow Boat in little ol'blighty!
But it has at the moment - Investment plans that were to pay for K2 are considerably dashed as company valuations fall in a downward spiral across the globe! I know "the value of shares can go down as well as up" and this was a risky investment! Hopefully this is a blip, rather than a freefall - certainly the rumour of an American inter-bank lending rate reduction has steadied the decline, although what happens next in the roulette game, nobody really knows! I won't declare just yet though!
What I want to know is - why should lending to bad debtors in America affect me!!? In fact - why lend to dodgy debtors anyway, surely commercial greed has some boundaries!!
Still, 2 days and I'm hiking to Gloucester to see RW Davis. Phil is a Kelvin expert, and the Northwich Trader is a good looking boat - I'm looking forward to that. By the way - Never did get in contact with Norton Canes but would still like to see Nb Resolute.

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