Monday 4 May 2009

Sent to Coventry - but came back again!!

I like Coventry Basin. I was there a couple of years ago, and then considered it a waste of a basin, so I sent the boys trip to Coventry. Well, via the Greyhound. We had the choice of a run to Atherstone, or Coventry, and chose the later!!
It was a quick stop - long enough for a coffee and cake, then nosied back into the canal again.
The canal from bridge 5 down to the basin is very shallow, with black mud swirling under our counter all the way, and the engine fighting for every yard. On the way back Ivor set his satnav up, showing a grand 2 mph at 950rpm. The same engine on the North Oxford saw us running at an eye watering 4mph. Prooving K2 isn't the slowest boat on the cut, but also that she prefers clear water under her keel (if she had one!)
I love bridge 1 - There is enough air draft by 2mm, and plenty of evidence that some boats didn't quite make it!
So an uneventful trip, passing the Ricoh arena; Tesco's; Chris and Yvonne on their lovely 70foot live aboard that they had built especially for them; a natter at Rose on the way through; and NB Clarence on their way out for a drink at the Greyhound, and in to an empty pontoon.
Gleemaiden has gone to Banbury, and Nerus left after us to head for Napton. So it was a quiet night, just like the old days, with just us! In fact we were the only pontoon to be totally empty for a night - good cruising guys us lot!!
We had a rush off to Southampton, and managed to sneak off K2 just before the rain started!!
My final picture is the inaugeral new lighting of the old oil lamp that I have spent 2 years cleaning!! Now installed in the saloon, it throws a lovely light, and plenty of warmth too, and looks fantastic.

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