Well, He came today - and the house is valued ok, plenty of money on it for K2 to live! Although in the current market, who knows how long it could take to sell, and that may mean it's not the right option. Tomorrow the rental agent arrives, personally I think He will be a better bet, but we'll wait and see. I only have to offset the mortgage, as the boat loan would be a grand sum of £300 per month less. All I need, is some kind person or persons to pay my mortgage on the house every month, and we're off, Oh, that and the little question of a £20K deposit, and the only person I've not talked to today is my financial advisor! Despite calling he is ominously quiet!
Trouble now is - we're so close to making this work!!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Could I own this?
Yes I know! Videoed sideways - but it's not the picture that's important!! (but if it is to you -
here's the right way round picture you can look at whilst listening to the video!) Anyone got a lot of money I can borrow? I could fund her by selling my house... (let me know what that's like, people who have done it) by renting the bricks out and taking a loan for the steel..... by room renting the house, and so on! the next few weeks could be life changing! But as a brilliant friend of mine keeps saying - "this is not a rehearsal, you have one life, go for your dreams!" Well an RN DM3 may not be everyones dreams, but she's been ticking life since 1954, and I would love her to be mine for the next x number of years..

Friday, 28 March 2008
Boat for Sale !
Well yes OK! I am selling my candian canoe - only so that I can
purchase one of the inflatable ones, as they are easier to carry on a Narrow Boat! My Symphony has been very faithful in keeping me on the water, and will be missed. But limited space on an NB and a rag top car means she needs to find a new loving owner.
However, really this is about all those second user NB's on the market. SO many more right now, I guess people are wanting to offload given economic forecasts and the floods of last year. However, what a load of rubbish most seem to be! If I see one more "trad stern with large hatchway" that is actually a semi-trad! or "Immaculate fit out" that ends up being MDF and MFI cupboards - I shall scream!! Or people that advertise their "pride and joy and sorry to sell" boat with 4 lines of words and a small picture of the stern, and on request for more information, ask "what more do you want?" but they still expect me to part with £90K!!
Come on boat sellers - If you want to sell me your boat, give me loads of detail, techncial, layout, fitout, shell details, engine, gearbox, as well as pictures that do your "pride and joy" justice, and recognise I'm a potential customer, not an irritation! Better still - give the whole thing to a reputable brokerage to sort out for you. On that front ABNB at Crick seem top flight, managing the whole process painlessly, and constantly ensuring accuracy of detail and information. Ok grump over!
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Rolling about
High winds and big seas have buffeted the British coastline - and
inland waterways. waves on the inland waterway - fantastic. Anyway, to correct the rolling about record, here's 2 pictures. 
The first is of an ocean liner rolling around in a force 8, (wind speeds of about 45mph), the second is of a sailing regatta I was in recently when we had force 7 winds (wind speeds of about 35mph) enlarge it to see the action!! and no! - no-one hit anybody!
Lastly a picture of real waves here.... Now that was rolling about!

Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Well, there you have it! Today it snowed.. After the warmest
February, Snow in March. I know that's not unusual, still it is proof of a very sinister thing that is happening with our weather. - It's the same as it's ever been!!
Earthquakes though? now there's a different subject, except that we have one every 5 years or so (apparantly). I heard an interview just after the Lincoln quake, where it was being put down to "Global Warming".... you are joking aren't you? - You're not??? Is it me, or has the world gone mad on this subject?
Now I only did Geology to A level, so clearly not an expert, but I thought earthquakes were as a result of a pressure build up between the earths plate movements!
Me stir crazy for the outside. We have good weekends, then back into the office again for a week of watching the sun pass overhead, of gentle spring days drifting by, whilst I live inside my fish bowl office of pressure and stress. K2 will exchange the fish bowl for the open air, the conditioned for the fresh, and the pressure and stress for freedom. Bring it on!
Earthquakes though? now there's a different subject, except that we have one every 5 years or so (apparantly). I heard an interview just after the Lincoln quake, where it was being put down to "Global Warming".... you are joking aren't you? - You're not??? Is it me, or has the world gone mad on this subject?
Me stir crazy for the outside. We have good weekends, then back into the office again for a week of watching the sun pass overhead, of gentle spring days drifting by, whilst I live inside my fish bowl office of pressure and stress. K2 will exchange the fish bowl for the open air, the conditioned for the fresh, and the pressure and stress for freedom. Bring it on!
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