Monday 8 October 2007

A Beautiful Day Sailing...

I'll just use my blog as a small moan -just to get it off my chest of course!! Invited for the last sailing day of the year, a fantastic autumn day of 17 degrees, force 4-5, sunny and good visibility. I was really looking forward to it. BUT
Failed loads all day Saturday, and a wasted Sunday struggling to understand failure codes from the upload routines from our software house, and here I am - still in the office Monday at 1932hrs, having not had a break, and missed the trip. Arggh! One day this company owes me hundreds of thousands of pounds in overtime!! Maybe I'll just get them to build K2 for me. (If my CEO is reading this - that would really motivate me!!) Wouldn't mind if the dividends paid out periodically!

OK moan over - whatever happens, I AM going to Saul this weekend. I want to get to grips with the Trader fit out and engines. I have spent hours trawling through engine torque curves, - (even creating my own for the Kelvin, as they don't seem to have ever been published!) gearbox ratios, even prop pitch and efficiencies. Advice on high torque low rev engines not labouring on the canal system, (and therefore decreasing efficiency as they coke up) compared to lower torque, higher rev engines, that potentially give slower speeds and drive against tidal currents. Everyone seems to have their pet loves and hates.
Another intrique clocked this week was the fact that the vintage K3 and Gardner 3, run at such a low temperature, they cannot sustain the throughput for a calorifier without major modification and thermostats. Otherwise it would end up super cooling the coolent, and running the engine inefficiently.
So many things to take into account, that I nearly threw my hat in the air and went off to see Minnow - for sale at Norton Canes, and powered by a 1 cylinder Bolinder - great! 70foot boat, with a single 9hp motor, ahh but that fantastic syncopated rythmn!
(Sorry Norton Canes - nicked your piccy of the motor, I loved it so much. Tell me if that offends please!)

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