So Sheila has nearly finished K2, only a couple of scrolls on the
sta'bud side and She's done! K2 shone in the evening light, and reflected on her new artwork that is finished Port side. It's amazing how different she looks.
Sheila is writing Nb Anoula 4 pontoons down from K2. So to help her out, I moved K2 to the leeward side of Anoula's pontoon that is currently waiting for her new occupant to come in. Sheila can put up her blue tent, paint the scrolls on my Starboard, write Anoula's name and use the K2 facilities that she has got used to!!

Whilst I moved K2, Tally was happy hunting down animals in the field, and didn't notice the relocation.
Time to leave, and I whistled and called, but no Tally - very unusual, as she comes running on the first call. The hunt for a lost dog was on, and I wandered along the waters edge, to find Tally sat on my pontoon, looking a little worried - ears down, and that sad look on a dogs face. She must've thought K2 had sunk!!! - or gone without her...
She was very pleased to see me, and quite excited to see K2!