Having received an Email asking if I was still in the land of the

living - thought I best update the blog. Trouble is - I read all the blogs of boats on the move, boats being built, people doing things, and enjoying life, and here am I sitting in the office AGAIN! with go-live delayed another week. K2 will come off the blocks in 2010 at this rate! I've nothing to say, but data loading, business processes, server issues, staff not supporting the campaign, and the like - and that's irritating!!
I need a holiday - and will plan one for the end of November / December some time. Trouble is with no boat, I can't get on the water, so may go into the mountains instead.
So what's the picture? - the sun setting over the North Oxford on a cold crisp day in Fe

bruary. Seems at the moment a number of things in my life are changing, and the sun is setting on a few plans and dreams. Though difficult right now, I know I can get through these times, only because I have done before! but I long for time out on the waterways, and away from it all.
Still, today is Armistice Day when we remember those who have died on our battlefields, and those who returned injured. Our freedom is in part down to them, and we remain grateful for their ultimate sacrifice. For 2 generations now, we haven't known conflict on the home stage, and for that we should be immensely thankful. There are many worse off than ourselves.