Ok, so I cheated. Wanted in Sale, Manchester, a lovely drive

across the Peak national park was called for, and a small deviation from the return route saw me in this delightful spot. Steeped in history of lime kilns and working boats, it was a lovely place to wander for an hour. I loved the "weigh bridge" more accurately known as " the guaging stop place". A stop lock, with calibrated sides, designed to measure the boats cargo weight, and therefore set the approporiate toll for traffic. The Eureka moment in real application!
Spurred on by pictures like this -

of K2 before she was K2, I think I need a major declutter. Julie has something to do with it too, not the clutter, but the declutter - if you follow me. Emptying a 4 bedroom house into K2 has taken its toll, and she isn't quite as sparkly as the picture shows. It won't take a lot to regain that early day lustre, but I need to be a little more ruthless in what I hoard.