Monday 25 August 2008

Of Beagles and Bridges

Out quicker than expected!! the great thing about boats is you can go whenever, an Aston Martin driving experience, and Dan jumped out of 130 miles an hour, and onto 3 mph, as we chugged off for dinner. lovely food, though not great service.
The only winding is done miles away, so K2 went through the stop lock, turned and then joined the queue for that stop lock again!! Which was when another Beagle joined the pack. Bruce was not small, but a happy half hour was spent in which Labrador raided the pub, and nearly got left behind, and Beagles enjoyed company!!
One thing I love on the canals is the bridges - everyone different, everyone hiding a boat coming the other way!! but I think they are lovely. Ivy covered, smashed to bits, or modern, they all have their own character.
Is there a book of canal bridges anywhere...?

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