Sunday 14 June 2009

So where has Ernie gone!!?

He used to be here and I followed the blog of Nb Ten Bob Note and Ernie, down the Oxford, along the Thames past the rowing club I used to row at, and then into Little Venice. - And finally into thin air....
So if you ae trying to find him from my site - you can't, but normal services will be resumed once I know if he has left the blogging fraternity, or just lost connection to his ISP.
Meanwhile - take care Ernie, and enjoy the Grand Union...


Anonymous said...

Ernie has given up his blog, I met him yesterday and he said that it was taking up too much of his time.

Andy said...

He's decided to stop blogging. It's been discussed on CWDF and Ernie gives his reasons at

John Harrison said...

Waterlily's Monday post gives info on Ernie's disappearance, if you haven't seen it. Cheers.

I enjoy your blog. Just discovering the canal blog scene.

John Harrison

Steve said...

Well thanks one and all - at least I now know, and can stop worrying!!
Good luck Ernie, in your new found time....