Monday 30 June 2008

No Pictures!!

However, last week that famous toilet broke again! It was the vacuum breaker, that broke! The result was loads of fresh water all over the bathroom floor - Again!! Still nothing that £27 and a weeks flight from the USofA couldn't fix. So 5 minutes before friends Matt and Jo and family, Suzi and Dan, daughter number 3 - Cara, and Julie and Chelsie all turned up for a visit and bar-b-que, I was under the toilet again. Hey but it's fixed and OK now.
And I've a new china-mans hat for the chimney...

Well, mucho food was eaten, and wine drunk, but I couldn't persaude my guests that they really needed a cruise, so K2 remained glued to the pontoon. Well actually, not quite. The high winds and boat movement are stretching my new mooring lines, and so she now sits a couple of feet away from that wood!

Well, that's it for now, Oh - except for a random picture of K2 in the rain, on the Grand Union.

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